Neeti Chakma

Fellow, Dismislab
From satire to reality: The truth behind Coca-Cola’s bottle 
This article is more than 8 months old

From satire to reality: The truth behind Coca-Cola's bottle 

Neeti Chakma

Fellow, Dismislab

Recently, several accounts on Facebook posted a picture saying that soft drink brand Coca-Cola is facing losses due to the boycott and is being forced to support Palestine. The picture is of some soft drink bottles kept in a refrigerator, apparently all but one of which are Coca-Cola bottles. The only bottle that doesn’t visibly bear the Coca-Cola label has the inscription “We Support Palestine.” But it was found that the bottle supporting Palestine was not from Coca-Cola, but from a different Bangladeshi beverage brand called Mojo.

The same image with different captions is being shared on multiple personal accounts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Facebook pages (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and groups (1, 2, 3, 4). One post has about 400 reactions and 29 shares.

To find out the source of the picture, it can be seen that the picture was posted on February 9 (Friday) from a Facebook page called “Advertisements at home and abroad.” The description of the picture read, “Undercover Agent” As soon as the picture was posted, it went viral on Facebook. At the time of writing this report, the post has seen around 43,000 reactions. Facebook users left comments such as “party badal liya sa… la (switched sides in a war or conflict),” “wolf in the goat’s canal,” “a lot like hiding the reality in a superficial way,” “An angel face with a devil’s mind”

However, two days later, on February 11, another post was made from the same Facebook page. The bottle with “We Support Palestine” written on it is not from Coca-Cola, but from Mojo, another soft drink brand from Bangladesh. “This (the first post with the picture) is a funny post. ” In the post, dated February 11, it is said: The other day I went to a shop for tea. I went and found all the Coke in the fridge, just a bottle of Mojo. Mojo’s name is not visible, the We Support Palestine section is visible. Coke and Mojo are the same color. So I took a picture of it and posted it on the page with the caption, undercover agent. …”. Apart from this, the information can also be confirmed from the pictures of Mojo’s bottle found in various posts. 

The page “Ads at Home and Abroad” was created on November 17, 2011. The page’s ‘About’ section says, “The main purpose of advertising at home and abroad is to introduce people interested in advertising to some beautiful and famous ads from home and abroad.”

Although the Coca-Cola post on this page looks funny, many on Facebook have promoted it, assuming that the bottle of Mojo is a bottle of Coca-Cola. And they actually have accepted the fact that Coca-Cola had written “We Support Palestine” on their bottles. For example, one post says, “Coca-Cola Company belongs to Israel. A portion of their dividends accrues to the Israelis. It is with that money they have occupied Palestine and continue to work directly to kill Muslims all around the world. And now they are the ones writing in support of Palestine.They are anti-Islam, also hypocrites! ! ! ! ! ” 

Others are saying that the boycott campaign raised against Coca-Cola has forced them to launch a campaign in support of Palestine, due to losses. Indian products should be boycotted similarly. See one such post here. #Bharat_Khedao (hashtag kickout-India)– the writer of the post also attached this hashtag.

Incidentally, in the midst of the ongoing Coca-Cola boycott campaign, Bangladeshi soft drink brand Mojo launched a campaign called “We Support Palestine” on its bottle packaging in support of the Palestinians, as part of which, 1 Bangladeshi Taka from every bottle of Mojo sold will go to Palestinian aid. According to media reports, Mojo’s sales has increased by 30 percent after this campaign.

This is not the first time that various misinformation has been spread about Coca-Cola. There have been several instances of such misinformation being spread before, and factcheck reports have been published about them. For example, In support of Palestine, Ronaldo is setting aside Coca-Cola bottles and Coca-Cola packaging changed after facing a boycott.